

Recruitment advisory committees named

Chancellor Linda Katehi has appointed four recruitment advisory committees for  for key administrative positions.

The nationwide recruitments are for provost and executive vice chancellor (to replace Enrique Lavernia), university librarian (to replace Marilyn Sharrow), vice chancellor of the Office of Research (to replace Barry Klein) and executive director of the comprehensive campaign (new position).

For all but the librarian search, the university has contracted with the executive search consultants firm Storbeck/Pimentel & Associates of Monterey Park (Los Angeles County). Associate Chancellor Emerita Sally Springer is serving as consultant to the recruitment advisory committee for thet university librarian's position.

Lavernia and Klein are stepping down, Lavernia to return to his post as dean of the College of Engineering and Klein to his position as a professor of physics. Sharrow is retiring, effective March 1.

Their replacements and the executive director of the comprehensive campaign will shape UC Davis' future direction by building on established strengths and realizing new opportunities, Katehi said.

“As you can see, there has been much progress and we are moving forward on many fronts,” Katehi said in announcing the searches in her Feb. 11 State of the Campus address.

The recruitment advisory committees comprise representatives from all campus constituencies, and each has a faculty co-chair.

Here are the chairs and co-chairs for each committee:

Provost and executive vice chancellor—Chair: Neal Van Alfen, dean, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Co-chair: Robert Powell, professor and chair, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, and chair, Academic Senate.

Vice chancellor, Office of Research—Chair: Claire Pomeroy, vice chancellor, Human Health Sciences, and dean, School of Medicine. Co-chair: Carlito Lebrilla, professor, chemistry.

University librarian—Chair: Harold Levine, dean, School of Education. Co-chair:  Andrew Waldron, professor, mathematics.

Executive director, comprehensive campaign—Chair: Beverly “Babs” Sandeen, vice chancellor, University Relations. Co-chair: Pablo Ortiz, professor, music.

The complete rosters for the recruitment advisory committees are available online, on the campus's new . For each job, the site tells where people can direct nominations, inquiries and applications.

ARC offers new community memberships

The Activities and Recreation Center announced that it is now offering a limited number of community memberships to Cal Aggie Alumni Association members who are not graduates of ΢Ƶ.

Nonstudent access to the ARC has previously been limited to people with ΢Ƶ affiliation, say, faculty, staff, retirees and alumni.

To join CAAA, however, you need not be a graduate. So the ARC and the alumni association forgerd a partnership whereby non-΢Ƶ affiliates are invited to join the CAAA for $50 a year and thereby become eligible to purchase an ARC community membership. You can do both—sign up for CAAA and an ARC membership—at the ARC’s Member Services desk.

Community memberships are offered on a quarterly basis ($120) or annual basis ($430 per year, prorated).

Existing ARC members may continue to sponsor family members, neighbors or friends; the cost is $85 per quarter or $340 per year, prorated.

Community memberships come with complete access to the ARC and all associated benefits, including free admission to Recreation Pool and Hickey Pool, access to the only racquetball-squash courts in Davis, and substantial discounts on most Campus Recreation programs, including the Craft Center, Outdoor Adventures, Equestrian Center, and Youth Programs.

A spokesman said the new community memberships policy underwent extensive review by the Campus Rec Advisory Board, and the Campus Unions and Recreation Board, as well as Students Affairs and the university’s leadership

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Clifton B. Parker, Dateline, (530) 752-1932, cparker@ucdavis.edu

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