
LAURELS: Joslin named among 'Best LGBT Lawyers Under 40'

The National LGBT Bar Association, an affiliate of the American Bar Association, has named ΢Ƶ faculty member Courtney Joslin to the association’s 2011 list of the Best LGBT Lawyers Under 40.

Joslin, an acting professor in the School of Law, is a scholar in the field of family and relationship recognition, with a particular focus on same-sex and nonmarital couples.

In compiling the “best lawyers” list, the LGBT Bar recognizes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender legal professionals “who have distinguished themselves in their field and demonstrated a profound commitment to LGBT equality.”

The LGBT Bar plans to honor the 2011 crop of Best LGBT Lawyers Under 40 — 40 lawyers in all — during the association’s Lavender Law Conference next month in Hollywood.

Earlier this year, Joslin received a Dukeminier Award for an article she wrote: “Protecting Children(?): Marriage, Gender and Assisted Reproductive Technology.”

The article appeared originally in the Southern California Law Review, and the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law subsequently chose the article for publication in the 2011 edition of the Dukeminier Awards Journal, comprising “the best sexual orientation and gender identity law review articles.”


Stephen Barthold, a distinguished professor of veterinary medicine and founding director of the Center for Comparative Medicine, is the recipient of an excellence in research award from the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges.

The Merial-AAVMC award (Merial produces pharmaceuticals for livestock, pets and wildlife) is new this year, having been established to recognize someone who, over the course of his or her career, has demonstrated excellence in original research, leadership in the scientific community, and the mentoring of trainees and colleagues in any discipline of veterinary medicine.

“It’s very fitting that Dr. Barthold has been selected to receive this inaugural Merial-AAVMC Excellence in Research Award,” said Marguerite Pappaioanou, the association’s executive director. “His scholarly achievements in veterinary and comparative medicine are extraordinary, and he is highly respected as a visionary leader, inspiring mentor, and role model whose work has done much to advance biomedical research and demonstrate the important contributions veterinarian scientists make to advancing human and animal health.”

Barthold received the award Aug. 6 during the National Veterinary Scholars Symposium in Florida.

Barthold, a member of the Department of Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology in the School of Veterinary Medicine, researches the interaction between infectious disease agents and their hosts. While on the faculty at Yale University, he played a major role in coordinating a team of researchers that investigated and developed a Lyme disease vaccine that can be used for both people and animals.

He received his Bachelor of Science and veterinary degrees at ΢Ƶ. He taught in the Yale School of Medicine before returning to Davis in 1997 to lead the new Center for Comparative Medicine, a joint venture of the Schools of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.


Professor Sheila David and Distinguished Professor Susan Kauzlarich of the Department of Chemistry are among 213 newly elected fellows of the American Chemical Society.

“ACS is especially proud to honor these chemists during the 2011 International Year of Chemistry,” the society’s president, Nancy B. Jackson, said in a statement. “The work they are doing will improve all of our lives as they unleash the power of chemistry to solve global challenges like providing clean water, sufficient food, new energy sources and cures for disease.

“But that’s not all. They’re also organizing scientific conferences for their peers, doing outreach with scouts and schools, and being mentors to the next generation of scientists.”

An induction ceremony for the 2011 fellows is scheduled for Aug. 29 in Denver, as part of the society’s 242nd National Meeting and Exposition.

Earlier this month, the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry recognized Kauzlarich as a 2011 Distinguished Woman in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering. In June, she received a national honorary member award from Iota Sigma Pi, the national honor society for women in chemistry.


The Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science, or SACNAS, announced that it is giving five distinguished scientist awards this year — and one will go to engineering professor Enrique Lavernia. 

The society has been presenting such awards since 1997, recognizing contributions to the field of science, and dedication to teaching and the mentoring of underrepresented minority students — in furtherance of the society’s mission to foster the success of Hispanic-Chicano and Native American scientists.

Lavernia returned to his post as dean of the College of Engineering in January after serving as provost and executive vice chancellor for nearly two years.

SACNAS plans to honor Lavernia and the other award winners on Oct. 27 during the society's national conference in San Jose.


Kent Lloyd, associate dean for research and graduate studies in the School of Veterinary Medicine and director of the Mouse Biology Program, has accepted an invitation to serve for three years on the Council of Councils of the National Institutes of Health.

As a member of the Council of Councils, Lloyd will help advise the NIH director on research efforts, policies and activities.

Lloyd, a professor in the Department of Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology, is a clinical veterinarian and research physiologist with expertise in mouse genomics and genetic resources.

At the Mouse Biology Program, he oversees the research, teaching, and services related to the use of genetically altered mice for biomedical research on disease, developmental disorders, and behavioral abnormalities.


Dateline ΢Ƶ welcomes news of faculty and staff awards, for publication in Laurels. Send information to dateline@ucdavis.edu.

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Dave Jones, Dateline, 530-752-6556, dljones@ucdavis.edu

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